Styleguide 0.1.1

2 - Colors

Color plays an important part in our expression. Especially our fontpage. Some of our colors are bright and bold and thus should be used wisely.

2.1 - Primary color

Learn the hex by heart.

#D60000 rgb(214,0,0) $primary-color/$color-red
<div class="styleguide-color-bar styleguide-color-bar-white  bg-primary">#D60000 rgb(214,0,0) $primary-color/$color-red</div>

2.2 - Supporting colors

We have a wide range of supporting colors. Shades of grey is used extensively throught our site, but don't be shy, throw some color in the mix.

#F1CA3F rgb(241,202,63) $color-yellow
#ECECEC rgb(236,236,236) $secondary-color/$color-lightgrey
#C0C0C0 rgb(192,192,192) $color-grey
#222222 rgb(34,34,34) $color-black
<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-yellow">#F1CA3F rgb(241,202,63) $color-yellow</div>
<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-lightgrey">#ECECEC rgb(236,236,236) $secondary-color/$color-lightgrey</div>
<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-grey">#C0C0C0 rgb(192,192,192) $color-grey</div>
<div class="styleguide-color-bar styleguide-color-bar-white bg-black">#222222 rgb(34,34,34) $color-black</div>

2.2.1 - Combinations

Combinations that work well together, also for common forms of color blindness. Combinations with checkmarks pass WCAG 2.0 level AA for headlines (large text).

<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-red"><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-lightgrey valid"></div><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-yellow valid"></div><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-black valid"></div></div>
<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-yellow"><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-red valid"></div><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-black valid"></div></div>
<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-lightgrey"><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-red valid"></div><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-black valid"></div><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-grey valid"></div></div>
<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-grey"><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-red valid"></div><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-black valid"></div><div class="styleguide-color-circle bg-lightgrey valid"></div></div>

2.2.2 - Tints and shades

  • darker
  • dark
  • light
  • lighter


  • darker
  • dark
  • light
  • lighter


  • darker
  • dark
  • light
  • lighter


  • darker
  • dark
  • light
  • lighter
<ul class="styleguide-color-bar">
  <li class="{$modifiers}-darker">darker</li>
  <li class="{$modifiers}-dark">dark</li>
  <li class="{$modifiers}">&nbsp;</li>
  <li class="{$modifiers}-light">light</li>
  <li class="{$modifiers}-lighter">lighter</li>

2.3 - Contextual colors

Some supporing colors also double as contextual colors used to empasize meaning. These are mainly visible as error or success messages in forms or elements that in provide feedback to the user.

<div class="styleguide-color-bar styleguide-color-bar-white bg-success">$success-color</div>
<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-alert">$alert-color</div>
<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-warning">$warning-color</div>

2.4 - Interaction

We have a color dedicated to elements that the user can interact with e.g. links, buttons and navigation. This color sould not be used for any other pupose.

#3768C9 rgb(55,104,201) $ui-color
<div class="styleguide-color-bar bg-ui">#3768C9 rgb(55,104,201) $ui-color</div>

2.5 - Text

I'm a monster



I'm a monster



I'm a monster



I'm a monster



I'm a monster



I'm a monster



I'm a monster

<p class="{$modifiers}"><strong>I'm a monster</strong></p>

2.6 - Shadows











<div class="{$modifiers}" style="width:100px;height:100px;text-align:center;"></div>